How do I enroll my pooch?
There's a lot of information to take in here but we will do our very best to try and convey all the important information you may need while, at the same time, try to keep our information as streamlined as possible. If it all seems a bit overwhelming, we'll boil it all down to the absolute basics to get you started and get your pet enrolled.
Here is how to get the ball rolling and what to expect during the enrollment!
First things first. Please be aware all dogs must be spayed or neutered to attend our facility. The only exception is for puppies under the age of 7 months or who have been exempt by a Vet, exemptions are made on a case-by-case basis. Vasectomies & Tubal Ligation are acceptable!
Familiarize yourself with our services and policies by reading or Policies & FAQs page.
You would have to first complete our registration form which is located here. Once that is completed, we would be able to book your pet in for an assessment.
We require an assessment to be completed before your pets are allowed to participate in any activities. If you do not live in Edmonton, we can accept a referral letter from an open concept facility that your pet attends and we will complete the assessment process based on the day of your pets’ booking provided that we do have the availability. Canine Kingdom is a facility for social pets, we would not be able to accept your pet if they show aggression towards our caretakers or other pets.
Complete our service agreement and we would be able to confirm your pets’ assessment booking once their profile is created. You can complete our service agreement here and pay the assessment fee. Assessments cost $36+GST per pet.
Pets cannot be booked for assessments if our service agreement is not completed or the assessment fee is not paid in advance. Once a pet profile is created, we will email you a confirmation email to confirm your booking for an assessment.
On the scheduled assessment day, please arrive at our facility at the scheduled assessment time and have a copy of your confirmation email handy. Please ensure that the vaccine records have been submitted no less than 48 hours before the assessment date. Our front desk staff will ask for some background information and complete a quick checklist. We do require that your pet stays with us for a minimum of 4 hours, but they're more than welcome to spend the whole day with us.
** Due to the current situation, COVID-19, our reception is closed. Our staff will come to your vehicle to welcome your pet, then take them in to start their assessment.
You are free to leave once the previous step is done. Our front desk staff will then take the leash from you and walk your pet to our warm-up area. It is highly recommended that if your dog appears nervous or hesitant to leave quickly without making a big fuss. Dogs can become more nervous if they sense that you are also nervous, so be up beat and positive so your dog knows that all is ok!
Once your dog is brought to the warm-up area, they will be slowly introduced to their appropriate play group, our friendly staff will ensure that your dog is introduced in a safe and positive way! We place each pet in the appropriate play group; assessing size, play style and personality. Our daycare is divided up into 5 different play groups to accommodate each of these needs.
When you return to pick up your pooch we'll let you know how he or she did. We always email or publish a report card detailing how your pet’s first day went. If they seemed to enjoy being with us, then he or she is welcome to come for daycare or a sleepover!
That's it!